Here at Brush Dental, we see patients with some degree of dental fear almost every day. Thankfully, Drs. Kuan and Lam are experienced enough to be able to offer nitrous oxide sedation to ease our patients’ nerves. Whether you just need a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, a sedation dentist in Royse City can safely administer nitrous oxide to make your appointment a breeze. Contact us to learn more about how you can overcome your fear of the dentist today!
Better known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is an odorless, colorless gas that has been used to safely and successfully calm down nervous dental patients for several generations. Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and delivered through a small mask that we place over your nose.
If you’re worried that nitrous oxide will put you to sleep, don’t be. This sedative is meant to relax you, but you’ll still be awake enough to respond to our dentists’ requests.
Once you’re situated in the dental chair, a member of our team will fit the mask over your nose and begin administering the gas. In just a few minutes, you’ll begin to feel warm and blissful. Some patients even report that they felt as if they were floating. Nitrous oxide also lowers your ability to register discomfort and suppressed your gag reflex, making your procedure much easier.
After we’ve finished your procedure, we remove the mask and take you to a waiting area. Within half an hour or so, the effects of the gas should completely wear off. Most patients are able to drive themselves back to work afterward without any lingering side effects like drowsiness.
One major advantage of nitrous oxide is that the vast majority of patients are eligible for it. You might be a good candidate for this type of sedation if you have:
Unfortunately, nitrous oxide sedation might not be the ideal choice for all patients. These scenarios might include: