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Brush Dental Blog

What Do You Do If Your Dental Crown Falls Out?

July 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 9:32 pm
Dental crown

Dental crowns are provided to restore damaged teeth without having to extract them. They are customized to each patient’s personal needs and last for many years, giving patients the ability to smile with confidence. If your crown becomes dislodged in any way, do not panic! Continue reading to learn which steps you should take until you are able to see your emergency dentist.


What Dentists are Doing to Keep You Safe During Reopening

May 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 7:19 pm
A woman visiting a community dentist in Royse City.

As you may have noticed on the news, many businesses are beginning to reopen after multiple months of quarantine and social distancing. This includes dental practices, which provide many services people rely on when it comes to their long-term oral health. If you still feel hesitant about scheduling your next appointment, just know that dentists are taking many precautions that even exceed what the CDC, ADA and OSHA recommend! To learn more about these protocols in more detail, keep reading this post from a community dentist in Royse City.


What’s a “Shelter in Place” Order & Which Businesses Are Impacted?

March 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 3:36 pm
"open" business sign for an emergency dentist in Royse City, TX

Just this month, public officials in Texas have implemented an order called “Shelter in Place” which has impacted countless businesses and people across the state. It has made some people worried about finding urgent care through locally owned businesses such as their emergency dentist in Royse City, TX. Read on to learn more about the order and what businesses it is and isn’t shutting down.


Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard? A Family Dentist Gives You a Better Way

March 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 9:23 pm
Man and woman brushing their teeth with tips from a family dentist

One of the best ways for everyone in the family to avoid dental problems is to brush up on their toothbrushing technique. Ultimately, proper brushing will go a long way towards having fewer cavities, healthier gums and even fresher breath. And when you combine that with regular checkups from a family dentist in Royse City, TX, you’re sure to have a healthy, beautiful smile! Keep reading below to learn about the common mistake of brushing too hard, and how you can keep things healthier by “lightening up.” 

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