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Brush Dental Blog

4 Things to Know After Getting a Dental Crown

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 6:21 pm
example of a dental crown in Royse City

Do you have a severely damaged tooth, or did you recently receive a root canal? If so, then you’re most likely going to need a dental crown. With this effective procedure, you’ll be on your way to enjoying your fully restored smile again! But what should you expect during your after-care process? Read on to learn four things to know following your dental crown treatment.


Busting 4 Dental Implant Myths

April 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 6:12 pm

Facts and myths on chalkboard There are more options than ever to treat tooth loss; however, dental implants are the only method to rebuild both the root and crown. A dental implant is the next best thing to a real tooth, but many people believe they aren’t the right option for their needs. Unfortunately, much of the hesitation is based on common dental implant myths. Don’t let false information stop you from achieving your best smile. Here are the 4 facts to a few frequent misconceptions. 


When Can I Go Back to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:19 pm
puzzled expression man illustration

If you are considering dental implants, you might also be wondering about the recovery process after surgery. How long before you can go back to work? What factors affect your recovery? Keep reading to learn from your implant dentist in Royse City about what to expect during the days after dental implant surgery.


5 Bad Habits to Avoid with Dental Implants

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 3:23 pm
person opening a bottle with their teeth

Missing teeth can make it difficult to feel confident in your smile, but this can also make it hard to eat and clean your teeth properly. Fortunately, dental implants can fill in the gaps. They make it easier to brush and floss and also give you back at least 80% of your bite power. This allows you to eat most foods and receive the nutrition you need to keep your smile healthy. As beneficial as they are, there are several bad habits that you should avoid to keep your restorations in good condition. Read on to learn about five bad habits that should be avoided to prevent damage to your dental implants.


What Are Some Holiday Foods That Require Caution?

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 9:01 pm
stuffing with holiday meal

Stuffing with honey ham and cranberry sauce, Christmas cookies, and eggnog with ice cream – there sure are some terrific tasting foods during the holiday season. Usually, with great taste comes great responsibility, as many items that wow your taste buds can scare your teeth.

Keep reading to learn about some holiday foods in Royse City that should be avoided, or at least enjoyed in moderation with proper oral hygiene, from your dentist. After Santa peruses this blog post, maybe he’ll request one of his cookies be replaced with a second glass of milk.


How Can I Avoid Having a Dental Emergency?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:44 pm
woman suffering from toothache

There are good surprises such as, “Congratulations, you are having twins!” Then, there are bad surprises like, “Meet us at the dentist’s office, Tim got his tooth knocked out at baseball practice!”

Nobody ever wants to find themselves in a dental emergency, but one thing about life is that it’s wise to expect the unexpected. The best thing you can do is take a preventive approach. On that note, check out these tips on how to avoid a dental emergency in Royse City.


Here Are Types of Tooth Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 7:42 pm
man toothache closeup

Exposure to poison ivy, getting food poisoning, having a toothache arrive seemingly out of nowhere – these situations sure bring about unpleasant thoughts. Watch where you step and be careful about what you eat, but for now, get ready to focus your attention on those toothaches.

If you’ve ever bitten down too hard, been hit in the mouth while playing sports, or woken up due to a toothache, it is a tough situation to endure. When you experience any of the tooth pain symptoms or other issues discussed below, you should act instead of ignoring them. Read on to learn what problems necessitate you should call your emergency dentist in Royse City.


What’s It Like to Be Under Sedation?

August 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 11:22 pm
Woman getting nitrous oxide

Do you get nervous at the idea of going to the dental office? This is much more common than you may think. Over 30 million Americans experience stress at one level or another related to their dental visits. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to avoid dental care. It’s essential that you see a dentist regularly for checkups. Fortunately, there are a couple dental sedation options available to take the edge off of your appointment, but what exactly do they feel like? Continue reading to find out.


4 Things to Know Before Opting for Nitrous Oxide Sedation

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 10:48 pm
Man getting nitrous oxide

If you haven’t heard of nitrous oxide, you are probably familiar with its more familiar name: “laughing gas.” Dental anxiety is an issue that affects many people and can even keep some from attending their regular cleanings and checkups. Fortunately, there are a variety of sedation options available today to help you to feel more comfortable during your visits. Here are a few interesting things that you should know about nitrous oxide before your appointment.


Your Child’s Fruit Juice May Be Less Healthy Than You Think

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:18 pm
Child looks suspicious while drinking fruit juice

Juice is loved by people of all ages, and it’s a particularly popular choice for children. After all, kids love the great taste and their parents love all the vitamins it contains! However, recent studies and surveys suggest that kids fruit juice isn’t as healthy as it appears. In fact, you may be unintentionally giving them a lot more sugar on a daily basis than you realize! Read on as we go over how your child’s favorite juice drinks are affecting their teeth and what you can do to keep them happy, hydrated, and cavity-free.

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