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How Can You Keep Your Lips Safe from the Sun?

June 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 2:05 pm
girl applying lip sunscreen outside during summer

During the warmer months, people tend to spend more time outdoors soaking up the beautiful summer sun. But before heading outside, everyone knows to lather up with sunscreen to prevent sunburn. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that lips need sun protection too – and that can be putting your oral health at risk. Read on to learn why it’s important to protect your lips from the sun and how you can keep them safe this season.


5 Ways to Prevent Dental Emergencies While Traveling on Vacation

June 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 12:55 am
Women holding a map and smiling while visiting a foreign city

With the pandemic largely coming to an end, many people are now taking the time to make plans for summer vacation. But if you plan to make a trip, either by yourself or with the family, it’s crucial that you know how to prevent dental emergencies before you leave. After all, you don’t want your time off to be dampened or even outright cancelled because of a toothache, broken enamel, or oral infection. Here are five ways you can stay proactive this summer.


5 Tips to Help You Keep a Bright & Healthy Summer Smile

May 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:18 pm
girl smiling after using healthy summer tips

It’s summertime! The warmer months call for leisurely days spent relaxing by the pool, hanging out with family and friends, and an abundance of outdoor activities.

It can be easy to get lost in all the excitement of vacation, but don’t neglect your teeth as a result. Maintaining healthy habits is essential to keeping your mouth as fresh and clean as possible. Here are five summer oral health tips to help you enjoy a bright summer smile.


6 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist on Your Next Visit

April 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 1:01 pm
toothpaste question mark questions to ask your dentist

Dental visits are the perfect time to be more proactive about your health! Asking questions can help you learn more about how to care for your teeth at home, available treatments, possible ways to upgrade your smile with cosmetic work, and so much more. If you’re not sure where to start at your next checkup, here are six possible questions that your dentist surely has a good answer for.


Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help You Land Your Dream Job?

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 2:03 pm
woman in a job interview after getting cosmetic dental treatments

Have you been looking for a new job? If so, you’ve probably spent hours poring over your resume, answering potential interview questions in front of the mirror, and assembling your most professional outfit. However, there’s one thing you’ve been forgetting about in your job search – your smile. Teeth that are stained, chipped, or cracked can hinder your confidence, reducing the chances that you’ll be hired. Here’s how investing in your smile with cosmetic dental treatments can help you land your dream job!


How Do Regular Teeth Cleanings Benefit Your Overall Health?

February 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 12:50 am
Patient at dental cleaning

As great as you are at brushing and flossing your teeth at home, you aren’t going to be able to leave your teeth completely spotless. The truth is that there are some areas of the mouth where even the most diligent brushers cannot reach with their toothbrush. This is why it is so important that you go in for regular dental cleanings twice a year. Continue reading to learn how a six-month cleaning can benefit both your oral and overall health.


6 Easy Ways to Beat Your Sugar Cravings

January 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 6:52 pm
young woman biting into a piece of chocolate

Do you struggle with controlling your sweet tooth? There’s a reason it can be hard to resist indulging in sweets – foods that are high in sugar would quickly meet the caloric needs of our early human ancestors, which led to many of us having a genetic predisposition to craving sugary items. Unfortunately, our genetics haven’t caught up with our modern lifestyle filled with high-sugar foods and drinks, and most Americans greatly exceed the daily recommended amount of sugar. To reduce your risk of tooth decay and improve your overall health, here are six easy tips for overcoming your sugar cravings.


How Dental Floss Has Evolved Through the Years

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 7:16 pm
Boy using dental floss

Did you know that dental floss has only been around for about 200 years? Before then, it wasn’t considered a crucial step like it is today for preventing decay and periodontal disease. Even though your great grandparents had access to this dental tool, it has changed a lot throughout the years. Read on to learn more about the history of dental floss and how it’s evolved to be an essential tool in modern dentistry.


Want to Save Money? Visit Your Dentist Now!

November 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 11:55 pm
Piggy bank

There are many different reasons why people refrain from going to the dentist. For some, it is dental anxiety or a busy schedule that doesn’t make it easy to book appointments. But for others, it is the fear of what the bill will look like at the end of the visit. The truth is that for every dollar you spend on preventive care, you will save an average of $50 on restorative care later on. Continue reading to learn about the different ways that regular dental cleanings and checkups save you money and how your dental insurance pays a role.


What Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation & Is It Safe?

October 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 12:36 am
Woman relaxes after her treatment with nitrous oxide

Are you afraid of the dentist? If you are, you’re certainly not alone. Recent surveys indicate that nearly 75% of Americans experience some amount of fear when it comes to getting dental work. Feeling overwhelmingly anxious about visiting your dentist can make it difficult for you to get the care you need and put you at a higher risk of oral health conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. Thankfully, nitrous oxide sedation is a reliable and trusted way to feel at-ease during your dental appointments. Read on to learn more about this popular calming service and just how safe it is.

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