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Can You Still Enjoy Coffee with Veneers?

December 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 7:44 pm
a woman with veneers drinking coffee

Drinking coffee is a part of many people’s daily rituals. Whether you want an energy boost or simply to enjoy a sense of warm comfort, partaking in your cup (or cups!) of Joe is something you may look forward to every day.  While it is certainly delicious, no one wants coffee-colored teeth. You are about to renew your smile with veneers and are curious if it can have the same effect on them. Your dentist in Royse is happy to share you need to know about coffee and your pearly white coverings!


Learn the Power of Praise for Your Child’s Healthiest Smile!

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 7:30 pm
parents brushing their teeth with their child

Do you ever remember a time when you were a child and someone’s encouragement increased your effort? It was maybe in a sports game or being kind to others. Well, that same effect can be made on oral health choices. Research has proven that praising your child while brushing their teeth increases their effort and effectiveness. Here’s what to know about the connection and how best to do it!



How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 5:27 pm
Mustached man in a dental chair

If you’ve committed to getting an oral prosthetic, it’s understandable to be impatient. You might be counting the days before you can reveal your new smile to the world. If you’re wondering how long it’ll take to get dentures, here are the answers to all your questions.


Three Good Reasons to Stop Being Embarrassed at the Dentist

October 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 12:01 am
Young woman looking in mirror at dentist's office

If there’s one thing people fear, it’s embarrassment. It’s telling that the most common nightmares are of failing to study for a test or giving work presentations we aren’t prepared for. We don’t want to be humiliated. Unfortunately, the same fear applies to dentistry. Many people are insecure about their teeth and are worried they’ll be embarrassed at the dentist’s office. They put off getting regular checkups, which only makes them more insecure about the next time they visit. Fear of embarrassment is understandable, but in this case, it’s not necessary. Your dentist isn’t going to judge you! Here are a few reasons why you should try to overcome that fear.


3 Great Tips for Making Dental Checkups Easier

September 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 5:19 am
A woman having a dental checkup

Besides regular oral hygiene, the best way to care for teeth is to attend regular dental checkups. These six-month visits can diagnose, treat, and even prevent severe tooth and gum problems. That said, you have the power to make your next one even smoother and more effective. By following the right tips, you and your dentist will find the meeting easier than ever! To learn more, here’s a summary of three things that’ll enhance your upcoming dental checkup.


5 Non-Anxiety-Related Reasons to Undergo Sedation Dentistry

August 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 11:19 pm
patient enjoying the benefits of sedation dentistry in Royse City

Sedation dentistry has been widely known as the best treatment for making patients feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout their dental procedures. Whether you opt for nitrous oxide or oral-conscious pills, you can be sure to expect a completely safe and effective solution if you’re experiencing any anxiety about your visit. However, this isn’t the only reason you should consider undergoing this therapeutic option. Keep reading to learn about five other essential benefits of sedation dentistry!


How Does Flavored Water Negatively Affect Your Mouth?

August 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 10:16 pm
examples of flavored water in Royse City

Did you know that drinking plenty of water is essential for improving skin health, regulating your body’s temperature, and delivering oxygen throughout your body? While it has multiple benefits, not many people enjoy the taste. That’s why companies have developed flavored water to add some delicious variety, such as kiwi-strawberry and blueberry-pomegranate! Though these drinks may be better for you compared to sugary ones, they can still negatively impact your smile. Keep reading to learn how flavored water affects your oral health and how you can protect your teeth.


4 Signs Your Child Is Suited for Oral Conscious Sedation

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 8:16 am
A child undergoing oral conscious sedation

As a parent, you obviously want your child to get the most out of their dentist appointments. After all, they likely attend dental checkups and cleanings only twice a year. However, they may find these visits challenging for one reason or another. In that case, you should consider adding oral conscious sedation to your child’s future treatments. Doing so could greatly improve their oral health as well as their comfort. To learn more, here are four crucial signs your kid could qualify for this extra dental option.


5 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Boost Your Career Success

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 4:29 pm
Man smiling during a meeting at his job.

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you! And when it comes to your career, having a dazzling set of pearly whites can sometimes make a big difference in how people perceive you. But if you’re worried that your smile has put you at a disadvantage, your situation isn’t hopeless; many people seek out cosmetic dental treatment to enhance their smile, and in turn, their career success! Keep reading to learn more about five different ways that cosmetic dentistry can give your career a nice boost.


4 Things to Know After Getting a Dental Crown

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 6:21 pm
example of a dental crown in Royse City

Do you have a severely damaged tooth, or did you recently receive a root canal? If so, then you’re most likely going to need a dental crown. With this effective procedure, you’ll be on your way to enjoying your fully restored smile again! But what should you expect during your after-care process? Read on to learn four things to know following your dental crown treatment.

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