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5 Non-Anxiety-Related Reasons to Undergo Sedation Dentistry

August 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brushdental @ 11:19 pm
patient enjoying the benefits of sedation dentistry in Royse City

Sedation dentistry has been widely known as the best treatment for making patients feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout their dental procedures. Whether you opt for nitrous oxide or oral-conscious pills, you can be sure to expect a completely safe and effective solution if you’re experiencing any anxiety about your visit. However, this isn’t the only reason you should consider undergoing this therapeutic option. Keep reading to learn about five other essential benefits of sedation dentistry!

#1: To Sit Comfortably in the Dental Chair for Extended Periods

Depending on your age, any previous injuries, or any existing health conditions, it can make sitting for long periods difficult. Your dentist won’t want you to experience any back, neck, leg, or head pain while receiving dental treatment. Instead of toughing out any soreness while laying on the dental chair, you can choose to undergo sedation therapy to improve your comfort.

#2: You Require a Lengthy or Complex Procedure

If you do have to remain sitting for an extended amount of time, then you’re probably going to require a more complex procedure. To avoid any discomfort or aching, you can receive sedation dentistry to remain still and physically relaxed. This will also allow your dentist to perform a quicker and more precise treatment without much interruption from fidgeting or any nervous reactions.

#3: You Have a Highly Sensitive Gag Reflex

One reason people hesitate to seek dental care is that they have a sensitive gag reflex. Since your dentist will be working around your mouth and tongue, this can increase the likelihood of experiencing this reaction. If this is something you’re concerned about, then you’ll want to inform your dental team. They may provide you with sedation therapy to dull the strength of your gag reflex so that you can enjoy a more stress-free appointment.

#4: To Alleviate TMD or Other Jaw Issues

Those who suffer from TMJ dysfunction or other jaw-related problems may find it difficult to hold their mouth open for an entire treatment. This can affect both the patient’s comfort as well as the dentist’s ability to perform the procedure effectively. Sedation therapy can help relax your jaw muscles and minimize any discomfort throughout the appointment.

#5: You Have Especially Sensitive Teeth

Many patients experience tooth sensitivity, which can make even routine cleanings uncomfortable. Your dentist will be able to evaluate your situation and provide treatment to address the root cause once you inform them of your condition. In the meantime, a mild form of sedation will effectively alleviate the sensation while they perform their work.

Dental anxiety isn’t the only reason you’ll want to consider undergoing this dental treatment. But if you are uncomfortable or have any of these concerns during your visit, feel free to speak with your dentist about sedation dentistry for a more pleasurable experience!

About the Author

Dr. John Kuan received his dental doctorate from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco. He routinely pursues numerous hours of continuing education to refine his techniques. He offers multiple advanced and comfortable treatments, including nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. If you’d like to know more about sedation dentistry, visit his website or call 469-723-4000.

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